10 diciembre 2010


sometimes I just hit the keyboard because I don't have anything better to do, so, by doing this y boss usually thinks that I'm working....

Like this:
ajsnsjnf saidfmacmasimdfaf nvuqwherio jsadfoijsadfi asrf232398 sdflsfañileḱvf'w¿'4tj fersdñlifg rijaskfmv

shit, I feel like a fucking secretary ksñljmfd vlñkf kal mf apisjgmvo ŕeok qwpjqwt9 visdj a8se iot miadf

Look, Look! all my fingers moving! nsdf oamsf vqwoimfq vwifjwqe ṕwej 90f40iv sdoifnisaoefiwme qweq
sad f
ksaf wairsjf qij vifwqrifj miperiwapmf ijfqjcqpwjfsjf ijfqoiajf j

from time to time, move the mouse and click at randoms parts of the screen.

adjsnfasdmf asefiaeslfcqwe
sfd ndsf ed fqwrj9jrg 58h0 4gn irg ijsdf wtr j 9t sfij 395u gqenrgt ojskv wesdf asokasofke jsef qw jerq4rvm'wrv 9wjr


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