09 noviembre 2022

Languages are fun and english is cool except Korean... Korean not so much :(

 For the last couple of weeks I've been chatting with my sister via whatsapp using english only. In the begining she told me that she wanted to practice her english skill and altough I am not by any means english speaker native (I sound terrible even in spanish) I can put two or three sentences together to create a conversation.

I've been using english a lot for the last 7 years now, this due I am working in a Korean company where I have to sustain conversations with people whom does't understand anything at all in spanish and -kind of- in english... I am sorry my Korean friends but it has to be said: Your english level has plenty of room for improvement.

So that being said, I grew fond of other idioms such as Italian, french, german, russian but specially Korean (due the aforementioned situation with Koreans) and I found them all interesting although I just know the basics on each one as I've never done a serious effort to learn them.


That's right, with Korean. It's been a very hard, painful, terrible experience but belive it or not I'm happy with the results so far. By studing Korean I had to learn new methods to learn new things and how to pay attention to details, heck, I even had to learn how to better listen to conversations.

Because of this hardship on learning that language and because I had to improve on other fields of the learning spectre, when the time came to study a master it was a piece of cake. If it weren't for the extensive homeworks it would have been a walk on the park.

One of the main lessons that korean language gave me was: Korean culture is horrible. I truly hate it. It's not that the culture itself is wrong (which in many aspects it is) but the way how I am. I am a rebel, antisystem, anarcho-capitalist in other words I just want to see the world burn. Just because I need money to buy pretty stuff I think I would be a complete nihilist. And the Korean culture is filled with non written rules and pointers of how to behave on any given situation. That's not for me.


comming back to my sister and the little activity we have ongoing, I found it funny as sometimes her messages are a complete mess and I end up not understanding anything, or  sometimes I have to read word by word so I can deduce what she's trying to say. 

Anyway I appreciate her effort as I always say: we have to continue learning and growing everyday. If a day passes and you didn't learnt anything new even the smalles bit of information that's a day not lived.

Stay in school kids!

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