22 junio 2020

Racismo en Mexico I. Breve analisis al foro de racismomx

Well, It has been a shit storm for Chumel Torres the past Week, first because the forum to which he was invited to (not asked to) caused the people to lose their minds as (not a surprise at least to me) lots of folks think Chumel Torres is a racist mother fucker who shouldn't have any microphones nearby.

Here you can see him doing some racist stuff.

But enough of Chumel or Drags, that's not the topic.
What I'd like to say here and AS ALWAYS I am clarifying this is only my opinion, which could be wrong, if you think so please leave a comment.

But the title of this post refers to:
There has been a forum to speak about racism on youtube, there were several guests with some interesting (?) background, some had more expertise but some others didn't, I am assuming they were the common folk there, giving their point of view.
You can see the full video here:

And before I continue any further, I'd like to clarify this post isn't about Chumel Torres, I did write a litte about him because he's the only one I already knew from the people giving an opinion on this forum.

First of all, from my point of view this forum was a failure with little gains. The forum title is "Racism is no Joke" and the forum revolves around that, the thing is: None of the participants are comedians.
The result of that is like that one time in Saudi Arabia when lots of guys gathered together to discuss the rights or women.


I mean, there was no clear idea what the people on this forum were complaining about, in a sense they were talking about racism in jokes or racist jokes but not getting anywhere mostly BECAUSE NONE OF THOSE PEOPLE ARE COMEDIANS.
From other perspective almost all of the participants had a strong stance on racism or that's what I feel.
I will describe my outlook of each one the participants of this forum.

Maya Zapata: As an actress I don't know who she is. But as you will read on each description about the participants, I don't know anyone of them! LOL
To me she doesn't add anything specific or highly relevant to the forum, she gives generic points of view very general and proceeds to agree with everyone.

Jumko Ogata: There's barely information on the internet about her, but I think she's a writer. I think she's the youngest of all the participants with her rhetoric being: put more black, Mexican, gay or whatever to work on important roles but she never talk about putting competent people on those roles, she just want that because diversity. It's like if Netflix were a person. Nevertheless, she has some very good points on racism and how to fight them...If we were living in the USA.

Mariana Rios: If you google her name, you will find a different Mariana Rios! but digging a little, you'll find that she's a social analyst and then makes sense why she makes very good comments about how racism affects our daily life and what we can do to fight it. She speaks from her experience, which you can tell is a lot on this field.

Federico Navarrete: Now this guy knows what's up. I think his opinions were strong but he missed the point of this forum, it was not about racism historically or the racism on the "old days" he, as many other participants were discussing comedy from the 70's or 80's not the actual comedy. But hey, as I said he is correct when he said that comedy need boundaries, comedians need to think twice before doing a joke.

Tenoch Huerta: This is another actor I never heard of (not his fault, mine as I don't watch narco series) and he attended this forum with a lot of hatred, he showed himself very intense with a radical stand of "We don't negotiate with Racism, We negotiate with people or individuals" where do you think racism comes from? I think he along Chumel Torres had the poorest participation on this forum because basically he just wanted to disprove, correct or blatant attack what Chumel Torres said.

Chumel Torres: Now I know this guy, In my own words I can describe him as a professional idiot, I'm not saying he is an actual idiot but along his many flaws, he struggles to control himself when the reflectors are on him. He went there to defend comedy from racism but more importantly he went to defend himself. And every time he tried to speak about him.

And of all of the participants on this forum actually Chumel Torres had something to say about Racism and Jokes it was a shame no one listened to him as everyone were more worried on explaining why racism is bad (which it is but it was not the approach on this forum) but also every time Chumel had the opportunity to speak, he always turned everything about him. Dude this forum was not about you and you were not surrounded by your friends whom applaud what you do.

In short, this was the forum:
Maya Zapata not giving anything relevant or new, but just agreeing with everyone. Jumko Ogata proposing generic approaches to the problem of racism highly influenced by how the Americans suffer from it. Mariana Rios shared her experience working with people on hard conditions, how the racism can be fought I really think she had a great participation on this forum. Federico Navarrete giving some strong points, examples and what to do about that, I think his opinions were very interesting and was one of the two participants who really contribute something relevant or different. Tenoch Huerta showed himself radical, getting things out of context of speaking about other problematic which are important too but not the scope of this forum... also something particular I noticed about him is that he was yelling every time he had the microphone and you know what they say about someone who has to yell when he could be speaking in a more quiet way. At the end Chumel Torres only spoke about himself frequently, he felt attacked by the group and gave poor examples trying to justify the way he does comedy. well, that didn't work well.

I think this "Racist topic" is complex and wide, that's the reason I will write several post about this. This first one is about the forum of "Racism is no joke" or more like "We don't understand jokes because everything offend us"

As I always say: Please be nice to each other, think that deep deep down we are human beings trying to be happy (I will talk about happines in another post)

At the end I think kinda missed the point too about this forum, but also this reflects the result of this activity: People started to speak about this racism thing but no one really knows how to tackle it, what to propose and how to behave.

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